High Quality โ€“ Professional โ€“ Elegant Images

A common question clients ask is “how will I get my images?” Sacred Photography Michigan makes receiving your images a breeze! All image galleries are delivered through Smug Mug where you will be able to view, download and enjoy your entire gallery with one click. All galleries have beautifully crafted one-of-a-kind black and white copies of your images included at no extra cost as a thank you for supporting Suzanne. This black and white style took over a decade of crafting and perfecting to create.

Along with your images will be included a print release at the end of your image gallery. Printing and presenting this release will allow you rights to share, print and enjoy your images for personal use. It is highly urged you use a professional lab when you print your photos. You invested in a professional session, and you will want any images you print to also represent the high quality portraits you have captured. To access your gallery you will receive an email directly from Suzanne with your gallery link and instructions.


All images are protected by copyright law. Any unauthorized use or duplication of images is subject to punishment by law โ€“ 17 U.S.C. ยง 504 of the U.S. Code